3 minute read

Free mining Otara (applied from 17 March, 2023)

Now, users can mine Otara token for free on the Imota wallet.
How to mine free Otara?
Step 1: Login the Imota app
Step 2: Click “OTARA” category
Step 3: Click the gemstone to collect Otara.
So, you just have received 0.1 Otara. But, how to mine more Otara? Keep reading!

3 sessions of mining per day

Users have 3 Otara mining sessions per day. Each session is 8 hours apart, you can mine 1 time in each session.
Session 1: 0:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Session 2: 8:01 AM - 4:00 PM
Session 3: 4:01 PM - 11:59 PM

Do not miss any Daily Streaks

Open the Imota app everyday to mine Otara because the longer Daily Streaks the more Otara you will get. In other words, the amount of Otara you get will increase over time as long as you mine everyday.

Level up - Speed up - Increase Otara

Every time you rank up, you will be able to increase your Otara mining speed each session and earn a lot of Otara.
  • Level 0: Default 0.1 Otara/ session.
  • Level 0.5: Increase Otara mining speed to 0.15 - 0.2 - 0.25 - 0.3/ session corresponding to Daily Streak 3 - 7 - 15 - 30 days.
  • Level 1: Increase Otara mining speed to 0.4 Otara/ session when referring to 3 friends. Condition: Keep Daily Streak for 3 days or else the speed returns to level 0.
  • Level 2: Increase Otara mining speed to 0.8 Otara/ session when referring to 9 friends. Condition: Keep Daily Streak for 3 days and at least 3 of the 9 friends referred to keep Daily Streak for 1 day otherwise the speed returns to level 1.
  • Level 3: Increase Otara mining speed to 1.2 Otara/ session when referring to 20 friends. Condition: Keep Daily Streak for 3 days and at least 6 of the 20 friends referred to keep Daily Streak for 1 day, or else the speed returns to level 2.
  • Level 4: Increase Otara mining speed to 4.8 Otara/ session when referring to 48 friends. Condition: Keep Daily Streak for 3 days and at least 12 of the 48 friends referred to keep Daily Streak for 1 day or else the speed returns to level 3.
Note: A valid downline is a user who has KYC level 2. Imota requires KYC level 2 to avoid hackers using bots, cheats, affecting the interests of users, the community and Imota's resources. To maintain your current mining speed, all of your downlines need to complete KYC level 2.
For examples: You are in level 3, to keep your current level, you need to have 9 valid downlines who completed KYC 2 and at least 3 of them keep Daily Streak for 1 day.

More Friends - More Otara

How to invite friends using Otara? How to apply referring code? Let’s do these steps below:
Step 1: Login the Imota app
Step 2: Click on Menu
Step 3: In the Referral Program => Click Apply now => Input referral code => Click Submit.
How to get referral code?
  • Click Copy Share now to share the referral code with a message.
  • Or Click on the "i" icon in the Referral Program section to copy the referral code and send it to your friends.
Don’t forget to apply the referred code. You will get 3 BUSD and your friend gets 1 BUSD
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